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Traditional vs Montessori


Montessori system of education ensures accelerated growth of children by allowing them to explore, examine, and investigate the environment. The freedom and not the license they enjoy in deciding their activities help them develop their potential and imagination to the optimum level in highly nourishing and nurturing classroom environment. Contrary to conventional approach, the Montessori education has contemporary outlook towards children’s growth and development (cognitive, physical, social, emotional and psychological).


Traditional Approach

Montessori Approach

Curriculum cares little about child’s interests.

Child chooses work as per his own interests and abilities.

Strict seating arrangement.

Child has freedom to move and talk at will.

Emphasis on rote knowledge.

Emphasis on understanding.

Little materials are provided for sensory development.

Multi-sensory materials for physical exploration/development.

Teacher’s role is dominant and active.

Teacher’s role is supportive whereas child is active participant.

Teachers enforce discipline.

Scientifically developed methods encourage internal self-discipline.

Teacher dominates the classroom children are passive learners and collaboration is discouraged.

Children are encouraged to guide, assist collaborate and help each other.

Child is guided to concepts by teacher.

Child formulates own concepts from self teaching materials.

Child usually is given specific time for work.

No such limitation, child works on a chosen project as long as he or she wants.

Individual and group instruction as per adult’s teaching style.

Instructions are adapted to individual student’s learning style.

Same age grouping.

Mixed age grouping.

Errors pointed out and corrected by teacher.

Child can detect and correct errors since Montessori materials are self correcting.

Voluntary parent involvement, often only as fund raisers.

Organized programmed for parents to understand the Montessori method and participate in the learning process.

Learning is reinforced externally by rewards and discouragements.

Learning is reinforced internally through intrinsic motivation.

Little emphasis on instruction on classroom maintenance.

Organized programmed for learning care of self and care of environment.

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